Businesses I've Founded
Over the last 25 years, I've lived across 3 continents and had the amazing opportunity to build up a large amount of marketing experience. Throughout those years, I launched 3 successful businesses and have a thriving comedy career. From a young age, my first business idea was to have an ice cream truck and I'd be happy. Today, I'm a Digital Marketing specialist certified in Inbound Marketing, Blockchain Business Certified, and a general web3 enthusiast. Dream big! My three businesses, GoViral Digital, GoViral in 90, and GoViral Blockchain were created because of my deep passion and interest in inbound marketing, blockchain, and web3. After living in 6 different countries, I've learned a wealth of knowledge and I'm big on empowering women and supporting them in every way I can. For the last 8 years, I've mentored entrepreneurs and freelancers in Femme Palette which ignited a spark in me to help women make their goals their reality and give them the confidence to start building something of their own.

My Businesses
GoViral has 13 years of experience specializing in inbound marketing, meaning we’re experts at finding the best people to talk to, how to talk to them, and where to reach them. .
We are a specialized team at GoViral Digital who work specifically with companies that aim to develop blockchain solutions and bring them into the market.
GoViral in 90 is a free personal and professional challenge where we give you the tools to embark on 90 meetings in 90 days.

August 9th 2024 (8:00 PM - 10:00 PM)
Pracovna & Laskafe, Vlkova,
Prague 3-Žižkov, Czechia
August 16th 2024 (8:00 PM - 10:00 PM)
Metro Comedy Club,
Štítného 6,
Praha - Žižkov
Aug 23, 2024 (8:00 PM - 10:00 PM)
Metro Comedy Club
Štítného, Prague 3-Žižkov,
How 90 Meetings in 90 Days Saved the Business and Strengthened the Resolve of GoViral CEO Belinda Filippelli
Famous Interview with Joe Dimino Featuring Entrepreneur & Stand Up Comedian Belinda Filippelli
"Huge fan of Belinda .. her drive, intelligence and dual citizenship as a comedian and entrepreneur is stellar .. her move across the globe and tremendous attitude is refreshing"
YTP Entertainment
Comedy, Marketing, and Storytelling collaborate passionately!
"This was a great, fun, and energetic interview. I truly enjoyed having Belinda as a guest. Please check her out, you will not regret it"

Want to Collaborate?
From business consulting and company workshops to networking events, comedy show producing,
podcast appearances and more, let’s talk and see how I can bring your event to life.
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